
Posted by dong on May 3, 2018

试玩了下在docker上跑jmeter, 通过influx和grafana做数据收集和展示


更新jmx文件里 influxdb的服务url http://jmeter-influxdb:8086 应替换成influxdb的ip地址 更新dashboard中 $grafana_pod 配置的influxdb url 更新jmeter_master_configmap.yaml 中 取slave ip的 方法 -R, -R getent ahostsv4 | grep jmeter-slave (fail) 运行服务 start.sh or 进容器中执行jmeter

  • Creating summariser <summary>
  • Created the tree successfully using cloudssky.jmx
  • Starting the test @ Mon May 28 10:35:21 UTC 2018 (1527503721326)
  • Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/Heapdump message on port 4445
  • summary + 5 in 00:01:38 = 0.1/s Avg: 19885 Min: 19267 Max: 20116 Err: 5 (100.00%) Active: 2 Started: 2 Finished: 0
  • summary + 26 in 00:06:33 = 0.1/s Avg: 15398 Min: 0 Max: 20033 Err: 26 (100.00%) Active: 2 Started: 2 Finished: 0
  • summary = 31 in 00:08:12 = 0.1/s Avg: 16121 Min: 0 Max: 20116 Err: 31 (100.00%) 验证granfana中数据, import json文件模版 http://localhost:3001 验证influxdb中jmeter数据 查容器kubectl get pods -n jmeter -o wide 进容器kubectl exec -it -n jmeter influxdb-jmeter-5cbd7b8469-h7df5 /bin/bash 进db influx Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.5.2 InfluxDB shell version: 1.5.2 show databases; use jmeter; select * from jmeter 在其它容器中可以 curl 或者wget 拿到数据 说明influxdb可以正常使用

http://localhost:3001/d/ltaas/jmeter-metric-template?orgId=1&from=now-6h&to=now 记得执行。kubectl port-forward -n jmeter jmeter-grafana-65dd5f6b79-22hz4 3001:3000

任何文件的更改 可以用kubectl replace -f jmeter_master_configmap.yaml -n jmeter

查详细信息例如容器ip 用 kubectl get pods –all-namespaces -o wide